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Online video is already an important marketing tool,

2017 saw video rise to the top of your marketing tactic list.

We will need to offer a wide range of tailored video content across platforms to remain relevant and win new customers.
Embedded video in website can increase traffic by up to 55%.
If you're just getting involved in content marketing, the first ... ... see a difference — fresh traffic, targeted visitors, higher conversion rates, and better SEO.

What makes us Unique?

We will first to help you to do Positioning Strategy in Marketing.

This is how we use video or films to increase your sales!

Why is this so important?

To successfully market your products and services, developing your marketing strategies is a must.

The success of a marketing project/tool is depends on our ability to understand your target market.

We collect information that provides an insight into your customers thinking, buying patterns, and location, obtaining information about your competitors,

evaluating their strategies, react quickly, and formulate plans.

In this era of technological advancement, we use data to make decisions.

It’s what makes your business stand out from the crowd.

These are few different types of Video:

1) Brand Film

The decisions you make turn your brand's vision, mission and values into video to present to your audience. It humanizes your brand and shows your customers what you care about, what your purpose is, and where you are going.

When talk about investment, you will also need brand film or video to tell your brand story.

2) Corporate Video

A corporate documentary shows the history of a company and what shaped it into the business it is today.

A typical Corporate Video includes interviews with key members of staff or the managerial team of your company or organisation, as well as showcasing what you do, how you do it and what makes you different and unique to your competitors.

3) Animated Video

An animation is a film in which drawings or puppets appear to move.
A simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures, or frames. Cartoons on television is one example of animation.

Animated videos can be a great format for hard-to-grasp concepts that need strong visuals or to explain an abstract service or product.

4) Promotional Product Video/ Product Demo Video

Product Demo videos showcase how your product works — whether that's taking viewers on a tour of your software and how it can be used or unboxing and putting a physical product to the test.

5) Expert Interviews Video

Capturing interviews with internal experts or thought leaders in your industry is a great way to build trust and authority with your target audience. Find the influencers in your industry — whether they share your point-of-view or not — get these discussions in front of your audience.

6) Customer Testimonial Video

Testimonial videos feature someone who has experience with the product or service.Because when a customer is about to make a purchase, they’ll trust their peers’ opinions more than anyone else’s.

Customer Testimonial Videos work great for the third stage of the journey, the decision stage.

7) Behind the Scenes Video

It’s a great way to highlight your company culture and build trust and connection with your audience by showing the people behind your business.

8) Event Highlight Video

Putting together a highlight reel is a great way to summarize the purpose and key messages of your event. It is about capturing the significant moments, activities and insights that took place and brings it all together in an engaging way for attendees. It can be a useful way to remind guests of what actually happened! Equally, if someone wasn’t able to attend the event, this is a great way to catch-up on all the activities that took place, and get them excited, so they attend next time.

9) Live Video

Live streaming is being used so often because it helps to create a community. It allows people to comment at the same time as watching a live stream, your target audience is interacting with each other. This is helping to forge a community.

10) Tutorial Video

Most brands could stand to use some coaching from tutorial producers when it comes to their own content offering. Helpful content has to be more than just promotional tie-ins and soft selling.

Video tutorials are not only used to share knowledge but also to help businesses market their brands and provide more visual documentation for customers. 

11) Humorous video/skit

People will pay more attention to a humorous commercial than a factual or serious one, opening themselves up to be influenced. The key to funny advertising is assuring the humor is appropriate to both product and customer.

There’s 2 different types of video which is Formal video and Informal video.

Different types of videos have different functions.

Grouping or segmenting your potential customers based on certain characteristics will help to focus your marketing efforts.

It is also important to define what you do differently and be able to convey that to potential customers.

These are necessary when if you want the work you’re promoting to have an impact on users.

This is what we different from others!

This is how we use photo or video or marketing tools to increase your sales!